Travis views on Psychology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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This web site that I have built is all about my veiws on difrent theiores, and topics in Psychology. Hope you enjoy, and maybe even have a better understanding of these theiores and veiws. over time i will be ading more of my veiws on various topics. | �
Operant Conditioning: By Travis W.
Operant Conditioning is defined by the Psychology book called Adjustment And Growth The Challenges of life, sixth edition, as being "A simple form of learning in which the frequency of behavior is increased by means of reinforcement or rewards". | My definition of Operant conditioning goes as follows. Operant Conditioning, otherwise known as the learning Theories of Pavlov Watson, is a well known, but yet relatively unknown theory. The reason I say this is because most people today probably have never even heard of the technical term Operant Conditioning, but we all have been a subject of this learning theory. For example, when we where young children, we were all very curious and had to "get into everything". When we did somthing that our mothers or fathers told us not to, we would be scolded for doing that wrong act. It my have taken us a couple more times to actually learn that that type of behavior was not acceptable and not to do it. On the other hand, if we did something that was right in our parents eyes or even somthing that they thought was cute we were rewarded by them, either by praise or by receiving a treat for the good deed. over time we learn that some things we do result in rewards and others result in discipline. This process of learning in this way is the concept of conditionong. It is kind of like training a dog or some type of animal! That was when we were yonger, now we are older, but we still learn in very much the same way that we did as a child. At work, school and also in with friends, family, and even strangers, we do this in a way that sometimes hurts others and maybe even puts us in more trouble than what we had actually expected. What i am talking about is pushing the limit with people to see what we can actually get away with or what they will let slide. We do this all as a result of Operant Conditioning, which is the result of learning by rewards and punishment. �
Discrimination: By Travis W.
Discrimination is often thought of as being a racial type dealing, but i know for a fact that it can be for many other dealings such as, age, creed, appearance, financial status, and even gender. I know that everyone has experienced discrimination at one time or another sometime throught his or her life, but here are some of my experiences and how i dealt wiht them. | I had bought a used vehicle from a very well known car dealership in our town. It was still under warrantee and it consumed a large amount of oil so I brought it in to have it checked out. They performed a number of tests on the vehicle and told me that it was normal for a vehicle with 80,000 miles to use a quart of oil per week. The whole idea was that I knew it wasn't notmal for a vehicle to consume such a large amount of oil in such a short time period. They saw some young kid coming in (i was only 17 at the time) and thought they could screw me over. And i know it hapens to alot of yonger kids when, going to a gas staion, or a store, and being follwed around or told that they can not come in their at all. My next experiences has not happend yet but I know for a fact it will. You see I am going to school to be a police officer, and when applying for a job being turned down because the department is loking for minorites, well that is wonderful, I think we need alot of diversity in that feild but just don't judge me or anyone elese because we are black, brown, white, purple, male, or female, we all should have a fair chance at any job we go for! So to sum this up discrimination is something that will always be apparen, wheter we like it or not, but hopefull not prevalent. It is unjust, and causes both emotional and physical pain for no justified reason. �
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